Friday, October 4, 2013

2013 - the year we turn 21.

Hi! Giselle here. Haven't posted in a long while, and although Jude and I said that we'd post about our trip to the Kansai region in Japan (in April), none of us came about doing it. So, as I was looking through the older posts in my personal blog, there was this post (below) which I posted about the trip. Here's a copy-and-paste post for all to enjoy! By the way, this trip was a truly enjoyable one to celebrate the three of us turning 21 this year. :)


This explains why I love Japan's drains. This was taken in Gion. Yes, the place where geishas are likely spotted, but we didn't see any...

Tea-break at Golden Pavillion, which more or less felt like a scam..

Waiting for our vegetarian lunch in the temple grounds! Really cool tatami room where we ate in. (:

All vegetarian, but tasted really really good. (:

To end off our stop at Kyoto, and as proof that I was there...


The very nice and patient ah ma - the owner of the vintage camera shop where we bought Jude's birthday present.

The best place to be in on Earth - izakaya in Nara. The happiest meal I've had in my life so far, I swear.

I miss that cheesecake ice cream I had. 

Nara park. (:


(One of) The happiest places on Earth.

All so cute huh.

Elmo wanted my churros. Oh well...

Osaka castle

And we saw lots of cherry blossoms throughout this trip. I love Japan.

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